Alva C. Mather

Alva Mather is the global head of McDermott’s Regulatory Practice Group and a member of the Firm’s Management Committee, and heads the Alcohol Regulatory & Distribution Practice. As a nationally recognized go-to lawyer for alcohol beverage regulatory, commercial and M&A matters, clients say that Alva “comes to the situation with clear leadership and strong knowledge of the food and beverage industry.” She combines her extensive knowledge of the commercial and legal landscape as well as deep understanding of the beverage industry to help clients mitigate risk, respond to challenges, and capture and pursue new business opportunities. Read Alva Mather's full bio.
The Tax Implications of Purchasing Craft Producers in the First Half of a Year
By Alva C. Mather on Aug 10, 2023
Posted In Alcohol Excise Taxes, Transactions
If a large beverage company is considering purchasing or selling a craft beverage producer, it’s essential to understand how the craft producer may lose its earlier eligibility for reduced tax rates under the Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) in the first half of a calendar year once it becomes a member of the purchaser’s larger...
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Alcohol’s Next Innovation: ESG
By Parker Lee and Alva C. Mather on Jun 29, 2023
Posted In Transactions
The ever-evolving alcohol industry seems to be at the forefront of yet another major innovation, this time embracing sustainability with a focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. We see this through the installation of renewable energy production on-site, the incorporation of recycled materials in packaging and the embracement of like-minded enterprises to serve...
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Key Takeaways | Trends in Customer Data Acquisition and Use for Alcohol Companies
By Alva C. Mather, Scott Ferber, Amy Pimentel and David Saunders on Jun 23, 2023
Posted In Advertising and Marketing
In a recent webinar, Alva Mather, Scott Ferber, Amy Pimentel and David Saunders reviewed how alcohol companies should be thinking about and maximizing their data. They shared innovative marketing strategies and addressed privacy and cybersecurity considerations from an alcohol commercial side. Some of the significant topics discussed included: Keeping Ahead of Supply Chain Cyber Threats...
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Contracts Corner: Distribution Agreements
By Alva C. Mather on May 4, 2023
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Distribution
Finding the right distributor is critical to the success of an alcohol brand—as is ensuring the agreement appointing that distributor provides ample protection for the supplier or brand owner. At a high level, suppliers should keep the following top of mind when entering into a distribution relationship or negotiating a distribution agreement: (1) What territory...
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Key Takeaways | Going Green: Environmental and Sustainability Risks and Opportunities for Alcohol Companies
By Alva C. Mather, Jacob Hollinger, Carl Fleming and Parker Lee on Apr 27, 2023
Posted In Legislation, Transactions
In a recent webinar, Alva Mather, Jacob Hollinger, Carl Fleming and Parker Lee guided attendees through the unique energy-related challenges and opportunities for alcoholic beverages companies presented by current megatrends relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG), carbon and sustainability. Some of the significant topics discussed included: Sustainability Trends Related Trapdoor Risks Sustainability Opportunities Across the Alcohol and Other Industries...
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2022 TTB Industry Circular 1: Consignment Sales
By Alva C. Mather on Jan 5, 2023
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Alcohol Excise Taxes, Import/Export, Legislation, Trade Practices, Transactions
Each year the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) issues “Industry Circulars” that apply statutory or regulatory requirements to a “specific circumstance or set of facts” or restate existing requirements. TTB also uses Industry Circulars to announce new statutory requirements or to discuss certain corrective actions. The last few years have been relatively...
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2022 TTB Industry Circular 2: Social Media Advertising
By Alva C. Mather on Jan 5, 2023
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Alcohol Excise Taxes, Import/Export, Legislation, Trade Practices, Transactions
Due to the uptick in alcohol advertisement on social media platforms, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) issued guidance on advertising via social media and how TTB’s rules on advertising generally apply in this new and important context, as summarized below. TTB views an entire page or site as a single advertisement,...
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TTB Industry Circular 3: Calculating Tax Rates and Tax Credits on Imported Distilled Spirits
By Alva C. Mather on Jan 5, 2023
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Alcohol Excise Taxes, Import/Export, Legislation, Trade Practices, Transactions
In the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s (TTB) final Industry Circular of the year, they provided DSPs guidance on how to calculate effective tax rates for distilled spirits products eligible for the Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) reduced tax rates, as well as providing importers with guidance on calculating and using effective tax...
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Alcohol Suppliers Hit with ADA Website Accessibility Lawsuits
By Jeremy White and Alva C. Mather on Jun 7, 2022
Posted In Advertising and Marketing
The increasing popularity of online shopping is placing e-commerce businesses—specifically those in the alcohol beverage industry—in legal crosshairs. In lockstep with a recent uptick in website accessibility cases, plaintiff firms are sending pre-suit demand letters to alcohol suppliers and, in some cases, even filing a state or federal court lawsuit. These lawsuits—which are typically filed...
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The Expanding Landscape of Alcohol Delivery Services
By Alva C. Mather on May 4, 2022
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Distribution, Licensing, Trade Practices
Following consumer trends and fueled by the pandemic and related loosening of restrictions on in-state retailer alcohol delivery regulations, the marketplace for alcohol delivery services has expanded exponentially over the last several years and shows no signs of slowing down. Industry forecasts predict double-digit growth year-over-year until at least 2025 for alcohol-focused e-commerce platforms. However,...
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