Amy Pimentel

Amy C. Pimentel (CIPM) advises clients on global data protection, privacy and cybersecurity. She is skilled at harmonizing requirements across jurisdictions and legal regimes to build practical and business-focused global privacy and cybersecurity programs. She also helps multinational companies understand privacy rules and balance their legal risk when entering new markets or breaking into new or non-traditional industries.Read Amy C. Pimentel's full bio.
Key Takeaways | Trends in Customer Data Acquisition and Use for Alcohol Companies
By Alva C. Mather, Scott Ferber, Amy Pimentel and David Saunders on Jun 23, 2023
Posted In Advertising and Marketing
In a recent webinar, Alva Mather, Scott Ferber, Amy Pimentel and David Saunders reviewed how alcohol companies should be thinking about and maximizing their data. They shared innovative marketing strategies and addressed privacy and cybersecurity considerations from an alcohol commercial side. Some of the significant topics discussed included: Keeping Ahead of Supply Chain Cyber Threats...
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