McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott’s Marc Sorini Named a 2019 NLR ‘Go-To Thought Leader’
By McDermott Will & Emery on Dec 19, 2019
Posted In Uncategorized
We are very pleased to share that one of our editors for Alcohol Law Advisor and head of McDermott’s Alcohol Regulatory & Distribution Group Marc E. Sorini was named a 2019 National Law Review Go-To Thought Leader. The National Law Review’s 2019 “Go-To Thought Leader Awards” spotlight 75 legal authors—less than 1% of the publication’s...
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2nd Circ. Tussle Distills Court Divide on Booze Laws
By McDermott Will & Emery on Sep 13, 2019
Posted In Distribution, Trade Practices
Sharp disagreements in the Second Circuit over whether a Connecticut liquor law runs afoul of antitrust law, recently exposed in a bitter dissent, highlight a circuit split that some experts predict will be taken up by the US Supreme Court. A three-judge panel upheld the law in February by batting down a retailer’s challenge to...
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24th Annual Wine, Beer & Spirits Law Conference
By McDermott Will & Emery on Jun 6, 2019
Posted In Uncategorized
On September 16–17, CLE International will host the 24rd Annual Wine, Beer & Spirits Law Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Those attending will include the alcohol beverage industry’s leading practitioners, including in-house counsel for producers, distributors and retailers, as well as industry lawyers and state administrators. Conference topics include: Updates on TTB developments and trends An...
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