Karis Jackson

Karis Jackson advises healthcare clients on diverse transactional and regulatory issues related to managed care, healthcare policy, US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services due process, and Food & Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission guidance. Her clients include private equity and practice management companies, public and private companies, and healthcare organizations. Read Karis Jackson's full bio.
DOJ Proposes to Reschedule Marijuana (Cannabis) to Schedule III
By James R. Ravitz, Alva C. Mather, Paul S. Gadiock, Deepika Raj, Marissa Hill Daley and Karis Jackson on Jun 3, 2024
Posted In Cannabis, Food Safety and FDA, Hemp-Derived Beverages, THC Beverages
On May 21, 2024, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) published the highly anticipated notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to reschedule marijuana (cannabis) from a Schedule I controlled substance to Schedule III, taking the first step to easing federal restrictions on cannabis and potentially opening up the door for further cannabis research and development. This regulatory change...
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