Noah Feldman Greene

Noah Feldman Greene focuses his practice on antitrust matters. During law school, Noah served as a judicial intern for the Hon. Beverly Reid O’Connell of the US District Court for the Central District of California. He was senior editor of the Virginia Journal of International Law and participated in the William Minor Lile Moot Court. Read Noah Feldman Greene's full bio.
EPA Approves Use of 10 Pesticide Products on Hemp
By Alva C. Mather and Noah Feldman Greene on Dec 20, 2019
Posted In Cannabis, Food Safety and FDA
Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its approval of 10 new pesticides for use on hemp products. EPA’s approval of nine biopesticides and one conventional pesticide provides greater certainty to hemp farmers in time for the 2020 planting season. The hemp industry awaits further guidance from other federal regulatory agencies.
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Cannabis and Hemp Update
By Noah Feldman Greene and McDermott Will & Emery on Jul 29, 2019
Posted In Cannabis, Distribution, Food Safety and FDA, TTB COLAs and Formulas
Cannabis legalization receives widespread popular support. According to opinion polls, more than two-thirds of Americans support full legalization—a steep rise in support considering that as recently as 2005, almost two-thirds of Americans opposed legalization. The country appears on the path to full cannabis legalization, but until that time, citizens and companies should be aware of...
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Learnings from the FDA Hearing on Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Compounds
By Noah Feldman Greene on Jun 7, 2019
Posted In Cannabis, Food Safety and FDA
On Friday May 31, 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public hearing on the topic of cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds. The FDA held the hearing to gather information regarding the safety risks and health benefits associated with cannabis products. More than 110 speakers, including academic researchers, trade associations and cannabis product manufacturers,...
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Massachusetts’ Highest Court Upholds Record Fine Against Beer Distributor for Pay-To-Play Scheme But Overturns Fine for Bar that Accepted Kickbacks
By Noah Feldman Greene on Mar 8, 2019
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Trade Practices
Last week, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld a $2.6 million fine against beer wholesaler Craft Brewers Guild (a Sheehan family-owned company) for violating anti-price discrimination statutes and commercial bribery regulations. In the same decision, the Court overturned a fine lodged against a bar that received such kickback payments, holding that Massachusetts retailers do not...
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