Rachel Gartner

Rachel Gartner has extensive experience providing strategic advice on food, dietary supplements, cosmetics and other FDA-regulated products as well as related advertising and intellectual property matters to major corporations, mid-size companies, startups, and other publicly traded and privately held businesses. Rachel collaborates with companies at every step of the product-development process to evaluate ingredients, formulations, and assess potential risks based on current and emerging FDA policy. Read Rachel Gartner's full bio.
Key Takeaways | Seeing Around the Corner: Alcohol Industry Updates
By Alva C. Mather, Lesli Esposito and Rachel Gartner on Oct 4, 2023
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Food Safety and FDA, TTB COLAs and Formulas
In this webinar, Alva Mather, Lesli Esposito, Rachel Gartner and Nichole Shustack teamed up to unpack how recent regulatory shifts will significantly affect alcohol companies and distributors. They discussed product innovation in the spirits industry, “zero-proof” beverage options and how companies are leveraging the benefits of artificial intelligence for advertising and marketing. Top takeaways included:...
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