Robin L. Greenhouse

Robin L. Greenhouse represents businesses and individuals in resolving complex, large-dollar federal tax controversies. Robin is adept at using dispute resolution techniques, including fast track mediation, pre-filing agreements, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) appeals and post-appeals mediation, and has been the lead lawyer in significant litigation. Over her 30-year career as a government and private practice tax litigator, she has argued more than 100 cases in federal courts at every level. Read Robin Greenhouse's full bio.
Choice of Forum in Federal Excise Tax Refund Cases
By Kevin Spencer and Robin L. Greenhouse on Apr 1, 2014
Posted In Alcohol Excise Taxes
To challenge an administrative determination and assessment of federal excise tax, taxpayers in refund cases have a choice of two different federal courts to bring an action: the U.S. federal district court and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. This installment to our regular column describes these fora and provides some practice points. The choice...
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TTB Can Assert a Plethora of Penalties That Are Stated In the Internal Revenue Code
By Kevin Spencer and Robin L. Greenhouse on Sep 9, 2013
Posted In Alcohol Excise Taxes
As part of its audit of taxpayers’ excise tax compliance, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) may impose several different types of financial penalties stated in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Indeed, TTB can impose more than one penalty with respect to the same excise tax liability, and the total combined effect...
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