We frequently receive questions about the differences between contract brewing and alternating proprietorships, as well as questions concerning the key details the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and other regulators will be looking for in either approving the proposed structure or, more importantly, during a company audit. Here we discuss the primary considerations for businesses utilizing other premises for production.

Alternating Proprietorship. The TTB allows two or more proprietors with different federal employer identification numbers (FEINs) to operate their respective businesses at the same premises by alternating and sharing space and/or equipment. How does it work? Typically, each proprietor obtains its own federal and state licenses and permits and operates and produces on its own behalf; these latter tasks include maintaining its own reports, records, excise tax payments, label approvals, and bond changes once approved. One proprietor is the “host,” and another is a “tenant” paying rent to the host. The rent can be a fixed monthly rate or based on equipment-hour usage. Other shared-cost arrangements are possible, as well.

During its review of an alternating proprietor’s application for a federal basic permit, the TTB will evaluate the written agreement between the alternating proprietor and the host. The TTB’s primary concern is to ensure the protection of each proprietor’s revenue. As such, the separation and movement of each proprietor’s products, payment of taxes, etc., will likely face the most scrutiny by TTB in an alternating proprietorship agreement. Accordingly, the alternating proprietorship agreement should expressly state that the alternating proprietor is responsible for its own production, recordkeeping, reporting, labeling, and payment of taxes. The agreement should provide that the alternating proprietor will pay the host directly for its floor space, equipment use, and, where applicable, personnel time and material consumed if the host is to provide additional services or materials. Payment to the host should not be based on volume rates (e.g., tons, gallons, or cases). The TTB reviews all of these factors to determine if the arrangement is a true alternating proprietorship and not a contract manufacturing relationship in disguise.

Entities engaging in alternating proprietorships frequently use a combination of direct employees and independent contractors to maintain their operations. In this highly specialized industry, independent contractors are in high demand due to their extensive knowledge and experience. Utilizing these workers enables producers to meet higher production targets with a shorter learning curve, while allowing direct employees to learn the process with limited downtime. However, it should be clear in the alternating proprietorship agreement that these employees are acting solely at the alternating proprietor’s direction, or they should be hired directly by the alternating proprietor.

Contract Manufacturing. Also known as co-packing, contract manufacturing is an operational methodology that differs from an alternating proprietorship. With contract packaging, a co-packer entity produces and/or packages product(s) on behalf of their customers, with all operations occurring under the co-packer’s license or permit and often under the customer’s trade name. In a co-packing situation, the co-packer also may be producing or packaging for [...]

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