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Seasonal Considerations for Packaging and Selling Alcoholic Beverages

The final quarter of the year is the alcohol industry’s busiest period, accounting for approximately 70% of annual business. Many holiday-themed seasonal products are beginning to make their way to market, and it is important to remember that these products may have additional regulatory considerations and hurdles.

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) publishes a list of allowable revisions to approved labels – that is, the changes that can be made to a product with an existing certificate of label approval (COLA) without necessitating a new label approval. Notably, however, seasonal products have special allowances. Generally, any nonmandatory label information, such as a graphic, would require a new COLA to be added to a label. Yet, in accordance with Allowable Revision #28, so long as that graphic is holiday and/or seasonally themed, it can be added, deleted, or changed without a new COLA. For example, adding a smiley face to a label would require a new COLA, but adding a candy cane would not.

Even though the candy cane would not require a new COLA, it is important to remember that any additions must not conflict with or qualify the mandatory information, and they must comply with all existing regulations and avoid all prohibited practices. For example, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” can be added to a label, but “Dizzy with love on Valentine’s Day” could not be added – with the acquisition of a COLA or without. “Dizzy” or other statements that describe how the contents of the bottle may affect someone would, if added to a distilled spirits label, run afoul of 27 CFR § 5.129 (a)(1), as the term implies a physical or psychological sensation resulting from consuming the distilled spirits. For wines, a similar qualification can be found in 27 CFR § 4.39(h), and for beers, it can be found in 27 CFR § 7.129(a)(1).

After the new seasonal labels have been printed, there are several additional considerations. These include:

  • Packaging: There are limitations on whether the alcoholic beverage can be packaged together with a food or point of sale (POS) item.
  • Pricing: It is important to consider the price and whether the market will allow a pricing variance from the same alcoholic beverage when not accompanied by POS.
  • Separate brand registrations and price postings where required.
  • Special price posting designations, such as a limited availability designation for New York.

Label and packaging compliance is an area that is routinely investigated by the TTB and state regulators. Regulators conduct these compliance checks by visiting retail locations and verifying that the labels on the products conform to state and federal labeling requirements. When a label is not in compliance, the industry member may face penalties and will need to address the regulators’ concerns and correct the label(s). Maintaining compliance with TTB and state regulations helps safeguard existing licenses and helps avoid disruptions within supply chains.

For questions or assistance with seasonal items or their packaging, please contact Alva Mather [...]

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Growing Regulatory Focus on ‘Crossover Alcohol Products’

As more companies – including businesses with and without experience producing alcoholic beverages – move to leverage their brands and brand equity across the beverage spectrum, regulators, trade associations and the companies themselves are focusing on ways to responsibly label, advertise, market and display these products to avoid consumer confusion and potential sales to minors.

Crossover alcohol products are generally categorized as alcohol beverages that use the products and intellectual property (e.g., brand names, logos) of a preexisting non-alcohol brand. While not legally defined (yet), such products include Dunkin’ Spiked Original Iced Coffee, Eggo Brunch in a Jar, Lipton Hard Iced Tea and SunnyD Vodka Seltzer, among others. As illustrated by these examples, products such as Lipton Hard Iced Tea leverage the non-alcoholic Lipton Iced Tea branding for a new product in the alcohol space.

As crossover alcohol products have become more prevalent across the market, state regulators have started taking notice and providing guidance to alcohol producers as to how to assure these products are not “false or misleading,” as defined by alcohol regulations, or tend to induce minors to drink the alcoholic product either through the products’ labels, packaging or store-display locations. The Commonwealth of Virginia, in particular, has taken the lead through the issuance of Circular Letter 23-01, which provides guidelines for alcohol producers as they develop these products. These guidelines focus on the following, among other issues:

  • Ensuring that the crossover product clearly indicates the type of alcohol it contains, with such information visible in at least three to six different locations.
  • Ensuring that the sizes of the alcohol references and warnings are sufficiently large and noticeable in comparison to other writings on the product label.
  • Ensuring that any and all changes to product labels, containers and secondary packaging clearly distinguish the crossover products from the original non-alcoholic products so as to prevent consumer confusion; such changes may involve the color palette, font type, imagery, placement of words, images and descriptions, or background elements.
  • Ensuring that secondary closures, such as foil lids, plastic wrapping, lip guards, stickers or other “child-proof” packaging, are present, to prevent accidental consumption by a minor.

Recently, a coalition including the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA), FMI – The Food Industry Association, and the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) (representing the three tiers of the industry: suppliers, wholesalers and retailers), issued a joint commitment related to the responsible marketing and merchandising of crossover alcohol products. Similar to Virginia’s guidance, the coalition is focused on assuring that these products are not confused for their non-alcohol counterparts and do not appeal to those under the legal purchase age, based on the appeal of the underlying brand. Accordingly, the coalition looks to alcohol producers to commit to responsible production, packaging and marketing of crossover alcohol products by:

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The Intersection of Spirits and Marijuana

In the past three years, TTB has approved an increasing number of certificate of label approvals (“COLA”) for hemp-flavored vodka, from Mill Six’s hemp, white tea and ginger flavored vodka to Olde Imperial Mystic’s hemp infused vodka. Distillers have designed labels with green smoke-like images and psychedelic sixties-style lettering to hint at their cultural connection to marijuana. As more states have legalized recreational cannabis, distillers have been thinking more ambitiously about combining their distilling business with one or more aspects of the emerging marijuana business.

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Originally published in Artisan Spirit: Winter 2017.

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